Avengers Endgame- A Climactic Ending to an Epic Saga (Movie Review)

Variety.com, Rollingstone.com, and Cinemablend.com are all fascinating websites that share movie reviews similar to this one. Not only do they give the positives of the films, but they also share what makes them unique, as well as a few negatives.

Avengers: Endgame is the climax to one of the most popular movie franchises of all time. Following 21 previous films continuing the same storyline, Avengers: Endgame closes out many characters’ arcs, as well as expanding on others. Following Thanos’ snap that decimated half of all living things, the Avengers are left brokenhearted and seeking to write their wrongs, and make up for their failure. Being one of the most hyped up movies ever, Avengers: Endgame does not disappoint. Robert Downey Jr. once again nails his every scene as Iron Man, from his quick quips and humor to dramatic scenes like his horrific death at the end of the movie. Josh Brolin once again nailed Thanos. Even though he was behind a motion-capture suit, the body movements and CGI were flawless. 

The movie starts out as grim as the ending of Infinity War was, which is exactly how characters and fans alike were feeling. Marvel Studios did a great job at concealing the plot of the movie, only showing the first 15 minutes of the movie in the trailers, so fans didn’t know what to expect. One thing the directors did so well with the movie is that when things all seemed to go well, an unexpected shift would occur where the heroes are in trouble. A few examples of this is early on when they got the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos’ arm, all the stones were gone, which meant that they couldn’t bring anyone back. While many things were done correctly, some parts of the 3 hour run time were a waste of time. An example of this is the scene in the diner with the Hulk and the kids. Ant-Man asked if the kids wanted a picture with him, after they took one with the Hulk, and they argued for almost two minutes whether the kids wanted a picture with him or not.

Another problem with the movie is how they ruined Thor’s character arc. Following Thor: Ragnarok, Thor was finally ready to lead his Asguardian people. During Avengers: Endgame; however, he decided that that’s who he wasn’t supposed to be, and gave the kingdom to a friend. Fans alike believe that this ruined the character’s eight-year stint building him up to be a future king. Aside from that, Avengers: Endgame is nearly perfect. It nails the humor as almost every Marvel Cinematic Universe film does, as well as the action. In fact, this movie has one of the greatest action scenes in cinema history. This franchise has done an amazing job at building characters and defining who they are, and Avengers: Endgame does an amazing job at closing the book to what was, an amazing saga.

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